Please take this self-assessment to see if you might be a candidate for additional screening for potential varicose veins and / or chronic venous insufficiency.
- Have you ever had varicose veins?
Signs and Symptoms
Do you experience any of the following signs and symptoms in your legs or ankles?
- Do you experience leg pain, aching or cramping?
- Do you experience leg or ankle swelling, especially at the end of the day?
- Do you feel “heaviness” in your legs?
- Do you experience restless legs?
- Do you have skin discoloration or texture changes?
- Do you have open wounds or sores?
Risk Factors
- Has anyone in your blood-related family ever had varicose veins or been diagnosed with venous reflux disease or chronic venous insufficiency?
- Have you had any treatments of procedures for vein problems?
- Do you stand for long periods of time, such as at work?
Self-Assessment Results
If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, please contact us for a consultation to see if
you may be candidate for venous reflux disease.